the project

The Goal:
My goal is to photograph America at it's roots - the place where the magic happens. Without the deep heritage that surrounds us, America would be a very different place. I want to photograph the rural lives of men and women, the houses, the equipment and the scenery. I want to document the history and the personality of America.

The Reason:
America is constantly changing. The face of the country has gone from rugged individualism to modernized living in big cities and towns. It's not all too common to see a 70s Ford pickup driving the highways anymore. Instead, you see Escalades and Mustangs. I'm not running those down, but the fact is that the rugged rural life is becoming quickly lost, woven forever into the cloth of time. Millions of people never see a field, grain bins, a tractor at work or a woman frying chicken in a skillet. However, I live right in the middle of all of this. It's the normal daily life for me. I want to capture this side of life while I have the chance.
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